Set It Up

“Set It Up” is a delightful romantic comedy film released in 2018. Directed by Claire Scanlon, known for her work on hit TV series like “The Office” and “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” the movie boasts a talented cast and a fresh take on the classic rom-com formula. The story follows two overworked assistants, played by Zoey Deutch and Glen Powell, who hatch a plan to set up their demanding bosses, portrayed by Lucy Liu and Taye Diggs, in the hopes of gaining more free time for themselves.

From the get-go, “Set It Up” charms audiences with its witty humor and endearing characters. Deutch and Powell shine in their roles as Harper and Charlie, displaying a natural on-screen chemistry that is both funny and heartwarming. Liu and Diggs bring their A-game as the high-powered bosses, adding depth to their characters beyond the usual stereotypes. The interactions between all four leads are what truly drive the heart of the story, making it a joy to watch their relationships evolve throughout the film.

One of the film’s strengths lies in its sharp and clever dialogue, penned by writer Katie Silberman. The script strikes a perfect balance between humor and heart, delivering plenty of laugh-out-loud moments while also exploring themes of ambition, friendship, and love. The pacing of the film keeps viewers engaged from start to finish, smoothly transitioning between comedic set pieces and touching moments of vulnerability.

Visually, “Set It Up” captures the hustle and bustle of New York City, serving as a vibrant backdrop to the characters’ hectic lives. The cityscape becomes almost a character in itself, adding an extra layer of charm to the overall narrative. The cinematography, done by Matthew Clark, beautifully captures the essence of both the city and the emotional beats of the story, further enhancing the viewing experience.

The supporting cast also deserves praise for their performances. Taye Diggs brings charisma to his role as Rick, a successful sports reporter with a demanding personality. Lucy Liu shines as Kirsten, a powerful and dynamic editor-in-chief whose tough exterior hides a more vulnerable side. Their interactions with Harper and Charlie provide both comedic relief and moments of introspection, showcasing the complexities of human relationships in a lighthearted manner.

As far as rom-coms go, “Set It Up” offers a fresh take on the genre by focusing on the dynamics between the supporting characters just as much as the central love story. The film manages to subvert some of the typical clichés associated with romantic comedies, offering a more nuanced exploration of love and friendship in a modern setting. It’s a feel-good movie that will leave you smiling and perhaps even rethinking your own perceptions of work and relationships.

In conclusion, “Set It Up” is a charming and well-crafted romantic comedy that manages to capture the essence of modern-day relationships with humor and heart. With a stellar cast, sharp writing, and a vibrant visual style, the film stands out as a delightful addition to the rom-com genre. Whether you’re a fan of romantic comedies or simply looking for a fun and engaging movie to watch, “Set It Up” is sure to entertain and leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling by the time the credits roll.