Pixar’s ‘Win or Lose’ Characters Featured in New Clips
Get ready, because Pixar’s original series, Win or Lose, is only a week away from its premiere on Disney+! Exciting, right?
Before the big day arrives, you can dive deeper into the series by checking out some character introductions in clips titled “Meet Sweaty” and “Cheating.”
In the “Meet Sweaty” clip, you’ll meet Laurie, a 12-year-old softball player with an anxiety blob named Sweaty that only she can see. Intriguing, isn’t it?
And in the “Cheating” clip, you’ll meet Vanessa, a cheerful mom, whose daughter Rochelle, a star player, is caught up in a cheating accusation. Did it really happen? Vanessa seems sure it didn’t—or did it?
Win or Lose follows the lives of eight characters as they prepare for a championship softball game filled with insecure kids, overprotective parents, and even a lovesick umpire. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions!
Featuring voices from talented actors like Will Forte, Rosa Salazar, and more, this series promises to be a delightful watch. Directed and written by Carrie Hobson and Michael Yates, Win or Lose offers a blend of humor, emotion, and unique animation styles.
Mark your calendars for the two-episode premiere of Win or Lose on February 19, streaming exclusively on Disney+. It’s an event you won’t want to miss!