Stunning Nature and Wildlife Scenes Captured by AP Photographers in 2024


In the year 2024, nature and wildlife photos captured by AP photographers showcase the beauty and resilience of the natural world. Amidst a backdrop of war and disaster dominating headlines, these photographers find and document the survival and thriving of the natural world, even in the face of death and destruction.

One striking image shows an adult periodical cicada shedding its nymphal skin in Cincinnati on May 11, 2024. The photograph, captured by Carolyn Kaster, captures a moment of transformation and renewal in the insect world.

Throughout the year, AP photographers have been on the ground, capturing stunning scenes of animals, bugs, and wildlife in their natural habitats. Their images provide a glimpse into the intricate and fascinating world of wildlife photography, showcasing the wonders of the natural world.

Each photo tells a unique story, highlighting the beauty, diversity, and resilience of nature. These images serve as a reminder of the importance of preserving and celebrating the natural world, even in challenging times.

As we look back on the top photos of 2024, let’s take a moment to appreciate the work of these talented photographers who have captured the beauty and wonder of nature and wildlife for us to enjoy and marvel at.

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