Simran Bhogal’s Current Whereabouts: What Happened to ‘Sweet Bobby’?

Netflix’s "Sweet Bobby: My Catfish Nightmare" delves into the harrowing experience of Kirat Assi, who fell victim to a catfishing scheme that spanned eight years. The documentary sheds light on the deceptive online relationship she believed she had with a man named Bobby Jandu, only to discover the truth in a shocking revelation.

Assi, a radio presenter from London, initially connected with Bobby Jandu on Facebook in 2010, gradually developing what she thought was a genuine romantic bond. Over time, their relationship deepened, leading to an engagement despite never meeting face-to-face. However, Assi’s world shattered in 2018 when she uncovered the real Bobby Jandu, living a completely different life with a family in Brighton, completely unaware of Assi’s existence.

The mastermind behind the elaborate deception turned out to be Simran Bhogal, a relative of Assi’s, who confessed to creating fake online personas of Jandu and his family to manipulate Assi. Despite her pivotal role in the deception, Bhogal opted not to participate in the documentary, with an actor portraying her in visuals.

While the documentary offers insights from Assi, the real Jandu, and his wife, Bhogal’s absence is notable. A title card at the documentary’s conclusion reveals Bhogal’s refusal to be interviewed, citing the events as a private matter. The whereabouts of Bhogal post-revelation remain a mystery, with scant information available about her current status.

Investigations into Bhogal’s present circumstances reveal a deliberate effort to erase her digital footprint. Attempts to locate her on social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn yield no results. Assi’s own digital presence underwent significant changes, with her Facebook account reflecting alterations to her friends list and post history.

Additional information on Bhogal is gleaned from Tortoise’s podcast series "Sweet Bobby," which provides further details on her life. The podcast discloses that Bhogal initiated the catfishing scheme as a teenager, perpetuating the charade for years. Notably, Bhogal resided in close proximity to Assi’s residence in West London and was reportedly employed at a prominent British bank, allegedly rising to the position of vice president in 2018.

Speculation surrounds Bhogal’s association with Barclays Bank, although official verification is lacking. Reports from a recruitment company in 2018 seemingly confirm Bhogal’s promotion within the banking sector. However, subsequent episodes of the podcast suggest Bhogal’s departure from her banking role in 2021, leaving the reason undisclosed.

Ongoing investigations by London’s Metropolitan police underscore the gravity of the case, with Assi taking legal action against Bhogal in 2020. The subsequent settlement in 2021 included financial compensation for Assi and a private apology letter, restricted to a select audience. The aftermath of Assi’s ordeal serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the complexities and repercussions of online deception and the enduring impact on victims like Assi.