Top Shows and Movies Exiting Netflix in August 2024

August 2024 is shaping up to be a significant month for Netflix subscribers, with a slew of popular titles set to depart from the streaming platform. As we bid farewell to July, it’s time to take a look at what’s on the chopping block for August. Among the notable departures are three A24 movies, adding to the lineup of titles leaving the platform.

For those who may have missed out on the removals in July, there’s a comprehensive rundown available to catch up on what’s no longer available. It’s essential to understand how Netflix’s removal process works. The platform licenses a considerable portion of its library, which means that titles are essentially rented for a fixed period. This licensing arrangement applies not only to third-party content but also to some Netflix Originals. Once the licensing period expires, the content is subject to removal.

Typically, Netflix provides around 30 days’ notice before a title is set to leave the platform. It’s worth noting that titles are listed based on their removal date, meaning if a title is scheduled to depart on August 1st, viewers will need to watch it before July 31st.

As we delve into the list of departures for August 2024, it’s evident that a diverse range of movies and series will bid adieu to Netflix. From classic films like “American Graffiti” and “The Matrix” trilogy to more recent hits like “Everything Everywhere All At Once” and “The Woman King,” there’s something for every viewer to enjoy before these titles leave the platform.

Movies like “Fatal Attraction,” “Moneyball,” and “Shrek” will also be saying goodbye in August. Additionally, popular series such as “Autumn’s Concerto” and “Toradora!” will be departing, offering fans a last chance to binge-watch these shows.

As the departure dates draw closer, viewers are encouraged to make the most of these titles before they disappear from Netflix. Whether you’re a fan of classic cinema or modern blockbusters, there’s a wide selection of content to enjoy before they bid farewell in August 2024. Share your thoughts on what you’ll be watching before these titles leave in the comments below.