Ranking Every Batman from Weakest to Strongest
We all love a good Batman, right? But when it comes to ranking every version we’ve seen on the big screen, who comes out on top in terms of strength? Well, let’s take a look at Ben Affleck’s portrayal of the Caped Crusader in the DCEU.
Now, you might think Ben Affleck’s Batman would easily take the crown for the strongest, given his impressive physique. And you wouldn’t be wrong—this Batman is seriously buff! Just check out his intense training scenes in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, where he really shows off his strength. And let’s not forget about the Mech Batsuit he wears to take down Superman!
But what sets Ben Affleck’s Batman apart is not just his physical power, but also his skills and tactics. This Batman is a true pro when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, and he’s not afraid to use a gadget or two to get the job done. When he’s in action, it’s hard to look away—just watch the epic warehouse fight scene in BvS to see what we mean.
However, for all his strength and skills, Ben Affleck’s Batman does have a weakness—his hubris. He may be The World’s Greatest Detective, but his fears and anger sometimes cloud his judgement, leading to mistakes like being fooled by Lex Luthor. Plus, his vengeful attitude can sometimes make him stray from the true Batman way.
So, while Ben Affleck’s Batman may be physically strong and skilled, his flaws and struggles make him a complex and intriguing character. And who knows, maybe we’ll see him continue to grow and evolve in the future.