Inability to Screenshot Frames from DRM-Protected Video on Apple Devices

Apple users have noticed a puzzling change in their ability to take screenshots from DRM-protected videos on streaming services like Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime, and the Criterion Channel since 2023. What was once an easy task has become a challenge for Macintosh computer users.

Initially, some users found workarounds by using alternative browsers like Brave or downloading extensions like Fireshot. However, as digital-rights-management technology evolved, these solutions became ineffective. Today, it’s tough to capture a screenshot from the most popular streaming services on a Mac. The reasons behind this sudden change remain unclear and were made without informing subscribers.

Interestingly, PC users have an advantage. With the Snipping Tool, which is a tool exclusive to Microsoft Windows, users can freely capture content from any streaming platform. This disparity seems to suggest a conscious choice by streaming services to exclude Mac users due to a perceived cultural class difference, even though they form a small part of the market.

Tech blogger John Gruber admits that the technical specifics behind this restriction are still somewhat of a mystery. However, he speculates that the intricate integration between MacOS and hardware allows for these blackouts to be enforced. It’s this seamless connection that enables DRM blackouts not just on Macs but also on iPhones and iPads.

While capturing screenshots from DRM video content may not lead to piracy, the prohibition against it creates a burden for users who simply want to capture high-quality images of shows and movies they enjoy. Gruber suggests that this feature serves no meaningful purpose for streaming services or users but adds unnecessary confusion and frustration to the viewing experience.