The Value of Integrity: Peacock’s Enduring Impact on Community

One of my favorite ways to kick off the semester is by sharing a story from ancient times about Samuel. He was a prominent figure from the Old Testament, and it might seem a bit random to start a conversation about ethics in today’s business world with a religious leader from 3,000 years ago. But let me tell you, Samuel’s tale is full of relevance and wisdom that still resonate today.

Samuel wasn’t just any judge in Israel; he was the last one and, many would argue, the best. His leadership during turbulent times set him apart from those who came before him. Despite his integrity and insight, the people of Israel wanted to be like other nations and asked for a king. Samuel warned them about the consequences, but they insisted, and Saul and later David were anointed as kings.

It may sound like a distant story, but the lessons from Samuel’s time are still applicable in our modern workplaces. The importance of integrity and ethical decision-making has stood the test of time. So, as we dive into the complexities of business ethics, let’s remember the enduring value of integrity, just as Samuel exemplified all those years ago.