The Traumatizing Romance Film from the ’90s Now Streaming on Disney+


r you want to be, just like the girl power vibes of the ’90s. The absolutely tragic moments of the film (that I won’t spoil just in case you haven’t watched this yet). It all coalesced to form a ’90s romance that Millennial women still talk about–and cry about–today.

I’m not even kidding. When I was making friends with a woman my age a few years ago, we literally brought up this movie and gushed about how big of a deal it was for us during our formative years. Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken was the moment and continues to be decades later.

Where to watch Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken

Despite this movie sticking into the collective unconscious of the Millennial generation, it hasn’t exactly been easy to find for the last few decades. Sure, in the ’90s you could catch it playing on TV if you were lucky, but those days are gone. It’s not exactly a traditional Netflix movie, either. But here’s where we get lucky: It was produced by Disney+.

While the entire Disney catalog isn’t on the mega-corporation’s streaming service, we at least get this 1991 classic. So if you’re ready to transport yourself back to when you were a kid–or introduce it to a younger generation–you can watch Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken on Disney+. (Just get the tissues ready.)

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