The Six Triple Eight: Area Connection and Academy Awards Shortlist
Tyler Perry’s movie “The Six Triple Eight” tells the remarkable tale of World War II’s first and only Women’s Army Corps unit of color, led by the impressive Charity Adams Earley. Now available for streaming on Netflix, the film showcases the incredible achievements and challenges faced by the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion.
At just 26 years old, Major Charity Adams supervised this groundbreaking unit, which was tasked with sorting through a massive backlog of 17 million pieces of mail for over seven million soldiers. Despite facing discrimination and difficult living conditions, these 855 women completed the job in just three months, exceeding all expectations.
Starring the talented Kerry Washington as Charity Adams, the movie has received critical acclaim for its powerful storytelling and exceptional cast, which includes Susan Sarandon, Dean Norris, Sam Waterston, and Oprah Winfrey. Washington’s performance, as well as her role as an executive producer, has brought significant attention to this important chapter in history.
Charity Adams Earley’s legacy extends far beyond the Six Triple Eight. A true trailblazer, she dedicated her life to serving her community, including roles on various boards and organizations in Dayton, Ohio, where she eventually settled with her family. Her impact has been recognized through numerous awards and honors, including the renaming of Fort Lee, VA to Fort Gregg-Adams and the establishment of the Lt. Col. Charity Adams-Earley Women’s Clinic at the Dayton VA Medical Center.
In recognition of the film’s impact and historical significance, “The Six Triple Eight” has been shortlisted for the 97th Academy Awards. The original score by Aaron Zigman and the song “The Journey” by Diane Warren are among the contenders for nominations, which will be announced on January 17, 2025. This recognition further solidifies the importance of sharing the story of the Six Triple Eight and honoring the remarkable women who served with courage and dedication during World War II.