Heartwarming Family “Dear Santa” Story Now on Hulu

A heartwarming story about an Oklahoma family, an Oklahoma “elf,” the U.S. Postal Service, and Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma’s production of “A Christmas Carol” is now being featured on Hulu. Last year, Robert Jamieson penned a letter to Santa on behalf of his dad, which sparked a wonderful collaboration between Lyric Theatre and the Postal Service to make a special memory for the Jamieson family.

Their story is showcased in a recent episode of “Dear Santa” on Hulu, season 2, episode 5, that originally aired on ABC stations. The show reveals real letters children have written and mailed through the Postal Service. Robert’s heartfelt letter in the episode expresses his wish for his father’s recovery and the opportunity to attend a play or show together.

In response to Robert’s wish, “elf” Delanie Brewer played a key role in coordinating the Jamiesons’ visit to a production of “A Christmas Carol” at Lyric’s Plaza Theatre in Oklahoma City. Both Robert and his dad even performed in the production, fully costumed. The show on Hulu prominently features the theater and the heartwarming experience.

Ashley Wells, Lyric’s Co-Producing Director, emphasized the power of theater to unite people, especially during the holidays, citing Robert’s “Dear Santa” story as a perfect example of this. At a recent performance, the Jamieson family had the chance to reunite with Delanie Brewer, the “elf” who helped make their wish come true.

Delanie Brewer shared in the “Dear Santa” episode that being one of Santa’s elves was a special experience, and the Jamiesons’ story had a significant impact on her. The Jamiesons expressed deep gratitude and reflected on how the experience had brightened their lives.

For more information on the U.S. Postal Service’s Operation Santa program, visit uspsoperationsanta.com. Though this year’s program has ended, you can look forward to “adopting” wish lists from Dear Santa letter writers next November. To catch Lyric’s “A Christmas Carol,” visit lyrictheatreokc.org.

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