Analyzing the Impact of Kids Content on Subscription Growth in Latin America

streaming platforms like Disney+ and Netflix in Latin America. Before Disney+ joined forces with Star+, BB Media’s analysis shows that kids content is a significant factor in attracting subscribers, especially households with children.

For Disney+ users, family-friendly content is a top reason for subscribing, while Netflix users see kids content as just one of many factors. Despite this difference, both platforms have high engagement with kids’ content, with families watching multiple times a week. The most popular genres among families include animation, adventure, and content suitable for family viewing.

When it comes to user preferences, Disney+ aligns better with audience tastes, with Adventure and Family genres ranking in the top five most distributed genres. Netflix’s top five genres do not include the audience’s preferred genres.

Both Disney+ and Netflix offer kid-friendly settings for parents to manage content access. However, Netflix users report higher satisfaction with the platform’s kids’ profiles, rating them better in functionality compared to Disney+. This could be crucial in building loyalty among family-oriented subscribers.

Kids content remains a key driver of subscriptions for both platforms, with Disney+ leading in kids’ content variety even after the Star+ merger. Netflix, on the other hand, may offer fewer titles in this category but provides high functionality in its kids’ profiles, leading to frequent engagement with kids’ programming. To keep family audiences engaged, both platforms must continue to adapt to meet the needs of this essential user base.