Hulu Renews British TV Drama “Rivals” for Season 2


Hulu and Disney+ have officially renewed their hit drama series “Rivals” for a second season. The show, based on a novel by Dame Jilly Cooper, follows the tale of the competitive British television industry in the 1980s. Two main characters, Rupert Campbell-Black and Tony Lord Baddingham, strive to create their network to rival the BBC during a time of industry deregulation. This witty and engaging series has garnered a following on both sides of the pond since its premiere in October.

The novel’s author, Dame Jilly Cooper, expressed her delight at seeing her beloved characters come alive on screen. She mentioned working with Happy Prince and Disney+ on the first season and eagerly anticipates the return of the characters in season two. The star-studded cast includes Alex Hassell, David Tennant, and a host of other talented actors who have brought these characters to life on the small screen.

With critical acclaim and a 94% “Fresh” rating on Rotten Tomatoes, “Rivals” promises to continue its success in the upcoming season. The show is available for streaming on Hulu in the U.S. and Disney+ in the U.K. and internationally.

Fans of the show can look forward to more drama, wit, and intrigue as “Rivals” continues to captivate audiences with its compelling storyline. Who knows what twists and turns the next season will bring!

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