Creature Commandos: A Stealthy Suicide Squad Reboot
Creature Commandos is a new animated series from DC Studios that brings a fresh take on the superhero genre. Created and written by James Gunn, known for his work on Guardians of the Galaxy and Suicide Squad, this series follows a group of misfit anti-heroes in a world filled with violence, government agencies, and snarky characters. If you’re a DC diehard, this show is a must-watch.
Set in a present-day-ish world, Creature Commandos draws on continuity from the Peacemaker TV series and the 2021 Suicide Squad film. Familiar faces like Rick Flag Jr. and Amanda Waller make appearances, connecting this new series to the broader DC Universe.
Featuring a stellar voice cast including Alan Tudyk, David Harbour, Zoë Chao, and Indira Varma, Creature Commandos delves into the backstories of its characters while weaving a linear narrative throughout its seven episodes. The series kicks off with Rick Flag assembling a team of non-human misfits, reminiscent of The Suicide Squad movies.
While the show demands investment in its characters, there’s a sense that Creature Commandos may just be a side quest in the larger DC Universe. Despite its compelling aspects, the series may not fully deliver on the promise of a colorful and zany superhero universe. And while there may be a few hiccups in continuity (like Rick Flag’s hair color discrepancies), James Gunn seems unfazed by these details.
While Creature Commandos offers a reliable and explosive superhero experience, it may feel like treading familiar ground for some viewers. If you’re looking for a departure from the grimdark tone of the DCEU, this series may not be it. With quippy dialogue and action-packed scenes, Creature Commandos stays true to the signature style of James Gunn.
Whether this series sets the tone for the new DC Universe remains to be seen. But for now, Creature Commandos is a solid addition to the superhero lineup, providing entertainment for fans of the genre. So, if you’re ready for a dose of anti-hero action, mark your calendars for December 5 when the first two episodes drop on HBO Max.