Advice: Dealing with a Partner’s Netflix Mishap

Dear Tuned Out,

It sounds like you and your husband are caught up in the all-too-common issue of “streaming cheating.” You’re not alone in experiencing the frustration of one person jumping ahead in the queue without the other. Streaming services are designed to keep us watching, with episode after episode queued up and cliffhangers at every turn. While your hurt feelings are valid, it might be helpful to see this as a modern hiccup rather than a deeper trust issue.

For the sake of your young marriage, it could be beneficial to have an open conversation with your husband to clear the air. Setting boundaries and expectations for future binge-watching sessions can prevent this issue from cropping up again.

Remember, enjoying activities together doesn’t have to mean watching every episode simultaneously. It’s okay if one of you catches up on a few episodes solo. Communication is key here, so you both can continue enjoying your shared experiences.

Dear Fed Up,

It sounds like you’re caught in a tough situation with your brother-in-law’s insistence on overfeeding you and criticizing your eating habits. It’s not fair for you to endure constant harassment over something as personal as your appetite. Your brother-in-law’s behavior makes it impossible to enjoy his hospitality, no matter how well-intentioned it may be.

It’s important for you to stand up for yourself and communicate your boundaries clearly. Your husband’s reluctance to address the issue is understandable, but your well-being and comfort should come first. It’s perfectly acceptable to decline future visits if it means avoiding further confrontation and discomfort.

Don’t feel pressured to ignore or tolerate behavior that makes you unhappy. Your mental and emotional health should be a priority, even if it means opting out of family gatherings. Stand firm in your decision and prioritize your own well-being above all else.