“Dear Santa” Film Shot in Atlanta Transforms Jack Black into Mischievous Satan

The Farrelly brothers are back in town for the fourth time, bringing us a heartwarming and hilarious Christmas movie, “Dear Santa,” now available for streaming on Paramount+. If you’re a fan of their classic comedies like “There’s Something About Mary,” “Dumb and Dumber,” and “Kingpin,” you won’t want to miss this one. Plus, they’ve reunited with Jack Black, who starred in their 2011 film “Shallow Hal.”

In “Dear Santa,” an 11-year-old boy named Liam, played by Robert Timothy Smith, accidentally addresses a letter to Santa as Satan due to his dyslexia. Jack Black’s mischievous devil character picks up the letter and offers Liam three wishes for his soul in a lighthearted and playful way. Despite the devil’s temptations, Liam, a genuinely nice kid with a moral code, resists.

The film also features a cameo by Post Malone, who plays a part in Liam wooing his crush. Bobby Farrelly shared that Post Malone was a perfect fit for the role and was a joy to work with on set. The concert scene was shot at Gas South’s 700-seat theater in Duluth, and the crew did a fantastic job making it look larger than life.

The Farrelly brothers have a history of shooting movies in Atlanta and appreciate the great crews and fun atmosphere of the city. While filming took place in the spring of 2023, with temperatures reaching the 80s, the movie captures the Christmas spirit perfectly.

With dozens of Christmas movies released each year, only a few become classics like “A Christmas Story” or “Elf.” But for the Farrelly brothers, the focus is on entertaining audiences and creating a memorable experience. So, make sure to catch “Dear Santa” on Paramount+ for a delightful holiday treat.