The Hot New Hulu Show “Rivals” Everyone is Talking About

ambitious American producer Cameron Cook (Nafessa Williams). O’Hara and Cook end up hating each other, causing a storm of controversy that intensifies with Rupert Campbell Black’s meddling in the program.

However, the feuds between these four individuals generally take a backseat to another important element of Rivals: a lot of sex scenes. Let’s just say that the plot is secondary here. There’s a lot of scandal and a lot of betrayal, but mostly, a lot of sex.

Why is Rivals viral right now?

At the most basic level, Rivals is viral right now because of the riotous, graphic sex scenes. Like, these scenes are so prolific, Slate literally published an entire article ranking them. This is music to the ears of those of us who are addicted to shows like Bridgerton and My Lady Jane, where we get to see British elite breaking the rules of proper society repeatedly.

However, Rivals is also blowing up everyone’s FYPs right now because of the slow-burn romance between Rupert and Agatha (Bella Maclean), who is Declan O’Hara’s young daughter. Not only is this an age-gap romance, which people have been eating up lately, but it’s also explicitly forbidden by Declan, making it that much more exciting. If you’re a Bridgerton fanatic or you love any show or movie about a man who is yearning (think Timotheé Chalamet in Little Women), you’re going to enjoy the fan edits of Alex Hassell staring across the room at Bella Maclean. If there’s something all of us could use right now as a welcome balm to the endless news cycle, it’s an addictive slow-burn romance housed in a high-stakes drama about rich people doing outlandish things.

Where can you watch Rivals?

Personally, I will be tuning into this show for the entirety of my Friday off after Thanksgiving. If you also want to see what all the buzz is about (and ignore your family for an entire day while you watch), you can watch Rivals on Hulu.