Murderbot Saves Martha Wells: A Life-Altering Encounter

When I stepped into a library lecture room in East Texas, I wasn’t expecting to encounter Murderbot, the iconic character created by Martha Wells in her 2017 novella, All Systems Red. But there she was, a middle-aged woman with wavy gray-brown hair, captivating us with tales of starships and ancient witches.

Despite its ominous name, Murderbot is far from a heartless killing machine. This socially awkward robot, with a penchant for binge-watching TV shows, is actually a softie at heart. As Murderbot itself admits, “I was a terrible failure as a heartless killing machine.”

Wells’ novella quickly became a hit, surprising even her publisher. Before long, more stories and novels featuring Murderbot were released, earning Wells numerous prestigious awards in the world of science fiction. And now, Apple TV+ is turning Murderbot’s adventures into a television series starring Alexander Skarsgård.

At a small, cozy library event in College Station, Texas, Wells shares her stories with a dedicated group of fans. As she reads a short story about a scientist helping Murderbot gain its freedom, the audience marvels at the subtle social and political commentary woven into the narrative.

Beyond Murderbot, Wells is a prolific author who has been writing for over three decades. Her work spans palace intrigues, distant worlds, and shapeshifting creatures. But it was with Murderbot that Wells gained widespread recognition, forming connections with other literary stars and building a devoted following.

Chatting over tacos at a local Mexican restaurant, Wells opens up about her childhood in Fort Worth and her lifelong love of sci-fi and fantasy. As a young girl, she found solace in creating far-off worlds and delving into the pages of sci-fi magazines like Starlog. It was through this passion that she discovered her future at Texas A&M, where she joined Cepheid Variable, a group of sci-fi enthusiasts who also ran the renowned AggieCon convention.

From her humble beginnings in Texas to her meteoric rise to fame with Murderbot, Martha Wells has remained steadfast in her love for storytelling. And as she continues to enchant readers and viewers alike with her imaginative tales, there’s no doubt that Murderbot will forever hold a special place in the hearts of science fiction fans everywhere.