AI-Generated Plot for Netflix’s ‘The Union’ Surpasses Expectations

When my wife and I were searching for a movie to watch on Netflix, we stumbled upon The Union, an action-packed spy film with a touch of comedy featuring Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry. Unfortunately, our viewing experience left much to be desired. The Union felt disappointingly generic, a sentiment echoed by both critics and audiences alike.

The film seemed to lack originality, giving the impression that it was created through a formulaic approach rather than genuine creativity. In today’s age of advanced technology, where artificial intelligence can generate entire movie plots, The Union fell short of delivering a compelling narrative.

Curious about the potential of AI in crafting movie storylines, I decided to input a simple concept into ChatGPT to see what it would come up with. The prompt was to generate a plot for a movie about a blue-collar worker recruited as a spy for a secret non-government agency. The resulting plotline, titled “The Fixer,” revolved around a skilled mechanic enlisted by a clandestine organization to embark on a perilous espionage mission, showcasing themes of resourcefulness and intrigue.

Comparing the AI-generated plot with The Union revealed striking similarities in key plot points. From the recruitment of the protagonist to his involvement in a high-stakes conspiracy, the parallels were evident. The AI script even introduced compelling elements that were lacking in the film, such as moral dilemmas and personal stakes for the protagonist.

Despite not being convinced that The Union was scripted by AI, the film’s generic nature allowed an AI model to create a more engaging and nuanced storyline. This highlights the importance of originality and creativity in filmmaking, urging platforms like Netflix to prioritize quality storytelling over formulaic productions.

In conclusion, while The Union may not have been crafted by artificial intelligence, its lackluster execution underscores the potential for AI to generate more engaging and thought-provoking narratives. As viewers, we should demand higher standards in storytelling to ensure that films captivate and resonate with audiences on a deeper level.