Apple TV+ Omnivore Review: Uncovering the Stories Behind Every Meal

Food has always been a unifying element across cultures, connecting people and shaping human experiences. The new documentary series “Omnivore” on Apple TV+ delves into this concept by exploring the significance of eight essential ingredients.

Renowned chef René Redzepi, known for his innovative approach to cuisine, takes viewers on a culinary journey in “Omnivore.” Growing up between Denmark and North Macedonia, Redzepi draws inspiration from his diverse background to showcase how food has influenced his restaurant business and the global food trade. While other food shows like Man vs. Food and the works of Anthony Bourdain focus on food exploration, “Omnivore” adds a philosophical and cultural dimension to the narrative, delving into how hunger drives human decision-making.

The series goes beyond mere food appreciation by shedding light on the broader impact of food industries. Each of the eight episodes explores the export and significance of different ingredients, highlighting their roles beyond mere sustenance. For instance, salt is not just a seasoning but a preservative with a rich history, while corn serves multiple purposes beyond food, such as fuel and textiles. Through these narratives, Redzepi emphasizes the importance of respecting the efforts of farmers and manufacturers who bring these products to our tables.

“Pig,” one of the most compelling episodes, encapsulates the show’s central theme. The episode examines the ethical dilemmas surrounding pork consumption, juxtaposing the value of the meat with the intelligence and social behavior of pigs. By showcasing events like the Feast of San Anton in Spain, where the slaughtering of a pig is a revered tradition, “Omnivore” prompts viewers to contemplate the moral complexities of food choices and the interconnectedness of life and sustenance.

Each ingredient featured in the series comes with its own set of ethical considerations, from the impact of the banana industry on developing countries to the historical ties between coffee and the slave trade. “Omnivore” presents a nuanced view of the food industry, showcasing both its positive and negative aspects and offering a global perspective on this essential aspect of human life.

What sets “Omnivore” apart from other food documentaries is its meticulous attention to detail and the genuine passion of Redzepi, a worldly figure in the culinary world. The series combines storytelling with educational insights, urging viewers to reflect on the origins and significance of the food they consume. Whether for its captivating narratives or informative value, “Omnivore” appeals to both documentary enthusiasts and casual viewers alike.

As “Omnivore” premieres on Apple TV+ on July 19, 2024, audiences can look forward to a thought-provoking exploration of food’s cultural, historical, and ethical dimensions.