Watch Shining Through (1992) Online: Stream Now on HBO Max
“Shining Through” is a 1992 romantic drama thriller film directed by David Seltzer, based on a novel by Susan Isaacs. The movie follows Linda Voss, a New Yorker who works with international lawyer Ed Leland, who is also a secret Office of Strategic Services operative. Their love story takes a complicated turn when the U.S. enters World War II, and Ed is called to duty. Linda decides to go undercover for him, risking her life to gather information about a German bomb.
The film stars Michael Douglas as Ed Leland, Melanie Griffith as Linda Voss, Liam Neeson as Franze-Otto Dietrich, and Joely Richardson as Margrete Von Eberstein. If you want to watch “Shining Through,” you can stream it on HBO Max.
Shining Through’s synopsis reads, “Spirited New Yorker Linda Voss goes to work for international lawyer and secret Office of Strategic Services operative Ed Leland just before World War II. As they fall in love, the United States enters the fight against Hitler, and Linda volunteers to work for Ed spying undercover behind Nazi lines. Assigned to uncover information about a German bomb, Linda also has personal motives to fulfill: discovering the fate of her Jewish family members in Berlin.”
To watch “Shining Through” on HBO Max, visit and follow the steps to sign up for a plan that suits your preferences. HBO Max offers a wide range of content from the Warner Bros. Discovery library, including popular series like “The Last of Us” and “House of the Dragon.”
[Trailer for “Shining Through” on HBO Max](