Top 10 Highly-Rated Movies Now Streaming on Netflix in June 2024

Netflix has introduced a fresh lineup of movies this June, with some films receiving high praise from critics. While critical reviews offer one perspective, audience reactions are equally significant as they reflect the intended viewers’ opinions. Platforms like Rotten Tomatoes aggregate both critics’ and viewers’ reviews to provide a comprehensive rating for each film.

Among the new releases on Netflix this month, some movies have stood out for their positive reception. Here are the top 10 best-reviewed movies on Netflix in June:

10. ‘1917’ (2019)
“1917” follows the journey of two British soldiers navigating enemy territory to warn troops of an impending ambush. The film, shot entirely from a unique perspective, garnered critical acclaim and audience appreciation. It debuted on Netflix on June 1.

9. ‘The Breakfast Club’ (1985)
John Hughes’ iconic teen comedy-drama, “The Breakfast Club,” explores the transformation of five high school students during detention. With an 89% “fresh” rating from critics and a 92% Audience Score, the film resonated with viewers. It became available on Netflix on June 1.

8. ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ (2018)
Director Jon M. Chu’s romantic comedy “Crazy Rich Asians” captivated audiences in theaters and continued to charm viewers. While critics rated it at 91% “fresh,” users gave it a 76% Audience Score. The film will start streaming on Netflix on June 6.

7. ‘La La Land’ (2016)
Starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, “La La Land” is a love story set in Los Angeles that received critical acclaim. With a 91% “fresh” rating from critics and an 81% Audience Score, the film resonated with audiences. It premiered on Netflix on June 1.

6. ‘Simón’ (2023)
“Simón” tells the story of a Venezuelan freedom fighter seeking asylum in Miami. The film earned praise from critics and viewers, with a 91% “fresh” rating and a 94% Audience Score. It became available on Netflix on June 1.

5. ‘Carol’ (2015)
Starring Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, “Carol” is an intense 1950s drama about a forbidden love affair. The film received a 94% “fresh” rating from critics and a 75% Audience Score. It will be streaming on Netflix starting June 17.

4. ‘Tangerine’ (2015)
Directed by Sean Baker, “Tangerine” follows the story of a transgender sex worker coming to terms with betrayal. The film impressed critics with a 96% “fresh” rating and a 76% Audience Score. It debuted on Netflix on June 1.

3. ‘The LEGO Movie’ (2014)
“The LEGO Movie” combines animation and live-action elements to bring the iconic building blocks to life. With a 96% “fresh” rating from critics and an 87% Audience Score, the film delighted audiences. It started streaming on Netflix on June 1.

2. ‘Hitman’ (2024)
“Hitman,” a Netflix original movie, stars Glen Powell as a college professor leading a double life. The film received a 97% “fresh” rating from critics. It premiered at the Venice Film Festival before its Netflix release on June 7.

1. ‘Godzilla Minus One’ (2023)
A surprise addition to Netflix, “Godzilla Minus One” continues the legendary monster series with critical acclaim. The film earned a 98% “fresh” rating from critics and audiences alike. It debuted on Netflix on June 1.