Stream Flushed Away Online: Watch Now on Peacock and Netflix
“Flushed Away” is an American adventure-comedy-drama film directed by Sam Fell and David Bowers. The story revolves around Roddy, an upscale rat living a luxurious life in a penthouse apartment until a twist of fate sends him on an unexpected sewer adventure. The movie received mixed reviews from both critics and audiences.
The film boasts a talented voice cast including Hugh Jackman as Roddy St. James, Kate Winslet as Rita Malone, and Ian McKellen as the Toad. “Flushed Away” is available for streaming on Peacock and Netflix.
You can watch “Flushed Away” on Peacock, a streaming service that offers a wide range of entertainment options for viewers worldwide. Peacock provides access to over 80,000 hours of TV shows, movies, and sports, including current NBC and Bravo shows. The Premium Plus plan eliminates ads and allows for offline viewing and access to live local NBC channels.
To watch “Flushed Away” on Peacock, visit, click on “Get Started,” choose a payment plan, create an account, and enter your payment details. The streaming availability of the film may be subject to change.
Alternatively, “Flushed Away” is also available for streaming on Netflix. Netflix offers a vast collection of films, TV shows, and documentaries in multiple languages. The platform provides different subscription plans with varying features such as ad-free viewing, offline downloads, and support for multiple devices.
To watch “Flushed Away” on Netflix, visit, choose a payment plan, create an account with your email and password, and set up your preferred payment method. The Standard Plan with Ads option allows for Full HD viewing on two devices simultaneously, while the Premium Plan offers Ultra HD viewing on four devices and additional member options.
Please note that the information provided about the streaming services was accurate at the time of writing.