Netflix to remove extensive movie collection this month for improved streaming experience

In the world of streaming services, Netflix is known for its ever-changing library of content. Every month, the platform introduces a plethora of new titles while bidding farewell to others due to licensing agreements expiring. This constant rotation can sometimes catch subscribers off guard, as they may find some of their favorite shows and movies disappearing from the platform.

One such example is the removal of the Netflix Original series “Black Spot,” which aired for two seasons from 2017 to 2019. Additionally, over 200 episodes of the popular anime series “One Piece” are also set to depart from the streaming service. This decision has left many fans puzzled, especially considering the success of the live-action remake of “One Piece,” which has garnered significant popularity since its release in August 2023.

The departure of these beloved titles is part of Netflix’s routine content turnover. While the platform does not always disclose which shows and movies are leaving, The Independent has compiled a comprehensive list of all the titles exiting Netflix in both the UK and the US in June 2024.

For those interested in knowing exactly what they will be saying goodbye to, here is a rundown of some of the notable departures:

– “Black Spot” (Netflix Original)
– More than 200 episodes of “One Piece”

To view the full list of titles leaving Netflix in June 2024, click the link below: