Netflix Secures $8.8 Million Victory in Battle Over Planned TV Series

In a recent high-profile dispute between Netflix and Hollywood director Carl Erik Rinsch, an arbitrator ruled in favor of the streaming giant, awarding the company nearly $9 million in damages over a science-fiction series that never made it to air. The series, titled “Conquest,” was sold to Netflix during the peak of the streaming boom in 2018, but Rinsch failed to deliver any episodes. This led Netflix to write off the $55 million it had invested in the project, highlighting a period of extravagant spending in Hollywood that studios are now looking to move past by prioritizing profitability over subscriber growth.

Netflix made the decision to cancel the development of “Conquest” in early 2021 after Rinsch’s behavior became erratic. Reports revealed that he claimed to have uncovered the secret transmission mechanism of Covid-19 and boasted about predicting earthquakes and lightning strikes to Netflix executives and his wife, who was a producer on the show.

Following Netflix’s decision to halt funding for “Conquest,” Rinsch reportedly indulged in a lavish spending spree with the remaining production funds. He resided in luxury hotels in California and Spain, splurged on a collection of high-end cars and furniture, all under the guise of them being props for the show. However, arbitrator Rita Miller, a former Los Angeles Superior Court judge, deemed these purchases unnecessary for production, as detailed in her ruling reviewed by The New York Times.

Rinsch took the initiative to initiate arbitration, alleging that Netflix breached their contract and owed him a minimum of $14 million. Nevertheless, Miller’s ruling placed the blame on Rinsch, awarding Netflix $8.78 million, corresponding to the amount of production money she determined he had squandered. Additionally, she granted Netflix control over the “Conquest” footage that Rinsch had retained until this point.

Despite these developments, Rinsch remained silent in response to requests for comment on the arbitration outcome.