Netflix Acquires New Adult Animated Series from ‘Rick and Morty’ Creators
Netflix has announced a new animated series titled “The Undervale,” which will be created and showrun by Matt Roller, known for his work on the popular show “Rick and Morty.” The series will also have Dan Harmon and Steve Levy, executive producers of “Rick and Morty,” on board, along with Chris McKenna, the writer of “Spider-Man: No Way Home. Erica Hayes, another “Rick and Morty” alum, will serve as the supervising director for the show.
“The Undervale is wildly inventive and I’m very grateful to Matt, Chris, Dan and their team for bringing their talents to Netflix,” said Billy Wee, director of adult animation at Netflix. “They are phenomenal collaborators, and I can’t wait for fans all over the world to experience this hilarious show.”
The series will follow a single mother of two children who manages a haunted hotel with the assistance of her estranged, deceased brother, who believes that the ghosts have valuable insights. Matt Roller expressed his excitement about collaborating with Netflix and a talented cast and crew to bring the stories of the dead, evil, and struggling hospitality workers at the Undervale Hotel to life.
Matt Roller and Dan Harmon have a history of working together on various projects, including “Community” and “Rick and Morty.” Chris McKenna, another key figure in the series, has also been involved in “Community.” Matt Roller’s portfolio includes work on shows like “Archer,” “Agent Elvis,” “Speechless,” “The Goldbergs,” and “Mr. Mayor.” He is represented by CAA, Entertainment 360, and Hansen Jacobson.
The announcement of “The Undervale” adds to Netflix’s growing lineup of animated content, catering to a diverse audience with a range of storytelling styles and genres. With the creative minds behind “Rick and Morty” at the helm, the anticipation for “The Undervale” is high among fans of animated comedy and innovative storytelling.