Check Out the Full List of Exclusive Films Arriving on Hulu in June 2024

Audiences can look forward to a selection of intriguing documentaries coming to Hulu in the upcoming weeks. Despite the limited genre options, viewers are sure to find enjoyment in the positive and uplifting narratives each documentary presents, particularly those with a love for 1980s films.

While the variety of original content may not be extensive, the documentaries set to premiere on Hulu in June promise quality storytelling. From exploring topics like fashion, global movements, to frenzied Hollywood fame, the streaming platform offers something for most viewers seeking entertainment.

“BRATS” is a documentary set to stream on June 13, delving into the infamous Brat Pack of the 1980s and its impact on the actors associated with the label. The film features personal reflections from members of the Brat Pack, including Ally Sheedy, Molly Ringwald, and others, as they revisit their experiences and the effects of the classification on their lives and careers. (

Director Andrew McCarthy, a former member of the Brat Pack, takes a personal approach in “BRATS,” reuniting with his former costars to discuss their time in the limelight. Through heartfelt conversations and interviews, McCarthy explores the highs and lows of being part of the exclusive group and how the label impacted their journey in the entertainment industry. (

“Breakin’ On the One,” streaming on June 24, recounts a breaking battle between the Rocksteady Crew and the Dynamic Rockers in 1981 that sparked a larger cultural movement. The documentary showcases how the sport of breaking evolved from a niche urban activity to a globally recognized phenomenon, intertwining elements of hip-hop, dance, race, and politics. (

“Diane von Furstenberg: Woman in Charge,” available on June 25, celebrates the 50-year career of designer Diane von Furstenberg. The film explores her groundbreaking contributions to the fashion industry, including the iconic “wrap dress,” and reflects on her legacy as a trailblazer for women in fashion. (

These documentaries offer viewers a glimpse into diverse and captivating stories, from the cultural impact of breaking battles to the trailblazing career of a fashion icon. As viewers prepare to cozy up for a movie night, Hulu’s lineup of documentaries promises to be both enlightening and entertaining.