Boots Riley Finds Deeper Meaning Beyond ‘I’m a Virgo’ TV Show

Boots Riley, a rapper and social activist, is known for his unique style in the entertainment industry. His feature directorial debut in 2018 with “Sorry to Bother You” received critical acclaim for its blend of magical realism and political commentary on racism, class struggle, and capitalism. Now, Riley is back with “I’m a Virgo,” a comedy series on Prime Video featuring a 13-foot-tall Black teenager in Oakland.

“My goals are so far above making a movie or making a TV show that I’m not excited just by the fact that I get to make a movie or I get to make a TV show,” Riley shared. “I want to see a large movement that transforms society. [‘I’m a Virgo’] is just me pitching in for that.”

The series follows Supersized Cootie, played by Jharrel Jerome, as he navigates the real world outside his sheltered home. Initially enjoying the attention, Cootie soon realizes he is being exploited for selfish gains in a capitalistic society. Jerome described Cootie as a representation of the challenges faced by Black men in America.

Riley’s transition to television with “I’m a Virgo” was relatively smooth, as Amazon understood his vision. However, working within budget constraints, especially for practical and special effects, posed challenges. To cut costs, each character in the series (except Cootie) was limited to one outfit, adding to the show’s cartoonish charm.

Despite the irony of an anti-capitalist project being backed by a major corporation like Amazon, the partnership has been fruitful. Prime Video gains a critically acclaimed series, while Riley benefits from their support and global reach.

Riley’s work is influenced by his social activism and experience as a performer, shaping his unique voice. He believes in creating art that reflects his beliefs and strives to make a difference in the world through his work.

“I have opinions about what will change the world, and those opinions for me have been shaped, not by watching other media, but by being involved in [social] organizations that are trying to change the world,” Riley expressed.

Trailer for “I’m a Virgo”: